Vital Signs: Friday, December 13, 2024

Mary’s Song of Trust and Obedience

Take a moment to read Luke 1:46-55 and ponder the following thoughts:

After God revealed His plan for Mary to be the virgin mother of Jesus, she responded with an incredible song of praise. She honored Him for His mercy, faithfulness, and power in fulfilling His promise of a Savior.

Mary declared in this song, “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me.” This was a bold statement of trust in God because the task assigned to her would bring judgment and shame from nearly everyone she knew.

Despite this, Mary focused on the blessing of being chosen by God for such an important purpose. She didn’t dwell on the difficulties she might face in society or within her family. She didn’t need to defend herself. Mary chose to trust God.

Whatever God has asked you to do, don’t let potential persecution or judgment from others keep you from obedience. We aren’t called to be comfortable, accepted, or understood—we’re called to make a difference!