Vital Signs: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
When Hope Feels Deferred
You’ve probably heard the proverb, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” But did you know Jesus was born because God redeemed a long-deferred hope? When Sarah was 90 years old, God appeared to Abraham and promised that she would give birth to a son, and that through this child, He would establish an everlasting covenant between Himself and Abraham's descendants. Though Sarah laughed, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Abraham named him “Isaac,” which means “laughter,” because God brought Sarah great joy and redemption through what appeared to be an impossible situation.
Follow the family tree, and you’ll see that God planted a seed that would ultimately reconcile mankind to Himself. Sarah’s ability to give birth in her old age gives us another reason to be in awe of the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth.
If you are facing deferred hope today, rest assured: God will bring about a greater return than you can imagine.